


  • Title: The Legacy of the Virgin Queen 
  • Introduction
    • Queen elizabeth’s background
    • Mostly family background
    • Open ideas for body paragraphs
    • Thesis




  • Body 1
    •  Love Life and the affects
    • “Virgin queen”
    • Reason for not having kids
    • How staying single led her to a powerful rule


  • Body 2
    • Seeing herself through a man’s eyes
    • Tactics she used to outshine rivals
    • What this meant for women and standards set


  • Body 3
    • How she strengthened England
    • Arts flourishing while she ruled
    • How her influence impacts the world today


  • Closing 
    • How her story was kept told so many years later



Launch Day

As a junior, the last time I had launch day was my freshman year and I don’t think I was able to fully appreciate it then. I had vague memories of sitting through boring presentations and wanting to go home all day. This year though, after maturing and growing my own views and opinions, I was really intrigued with the presentations and I was excited to see and connect with them. I was really interested in al the topics that were presented and especially after taking sociology, I was aware of a lot of social and cultural issues in society today. I think I was also able to appreciate topics like race and fast fashion after maturing and learning more about how important they are over the years.

Another thing I enjoyed on launch day was being able to present a project myself. For my sociology class, me and a couple other girls created a project about the beauty standards for national history day. It was nice to be able to show all of the hard work we put into our project and get feedback from our peers and teachers. I think I could say that I really got to resonate in the excitement of launch day that I didn’t get to appreciate in previous years. I also enjoyed the launch pad and activities we were able to do because it made school feel a little bit more normal than it has.

Deep Fakes

A deep fake is a photoshopped video that uses advanced technology to swap someone’s face on another person’s body. The process requires a lot of photos and videos of the person that is being photoshopped on in order to pick up on the face lines and expressions from every angle. Then the features are lined up so that the face fits realistically onto the body.  Deep fakes can be detected the same way we might detect fake news. But simply noticing things like unrealistic hair or skin, unnatural movements, or an unmatched audio may be a clear giveaway.

As deep fakes become more and more popular, it’s become clear that there needs to be more done about detecting them. They aren’t always used for good or humorous purposes and it’s important to recognize when that is the case. Especially with politics, these videos can stir up the media in a heartbeat and cause trouble for a candidate. As for addressing this issue, many companies are already on their way to helping detect a deep fake with more than just what you see. Simply starting with questions like is it believable or is this a reliable source can further help us to be able to detect deep fakes.